Saturday, April 19, 2008

Not just for the boys anymore!

Barbecue-manning, grass-mowing, inability to ask directions... the growing of a fine arrangement of facial hair and the subsequent appreciation thereof used to be relegated to the territory of these other fine pastimes, a place known as Boys' Club.  But no longer!  Everything's coming up moustachoied as we seek out new ways for all people, regardless of testosterone level, to incorporate some whiskers into their lives...

Start 'em young!  Whitney's dad exhibiting proper moustache maintenance as his wee daughter looks on, probably making a mental note to dig up this pic in 25 years and use it on a blog...

Confining one's moustache to one's upper lip is so 1973...

We found this quirky little book on Dali by Dali (co-written in some part I'm sure by his moustache) at the Melrose Flea Market in LA.   He poses questions to himself and then answers them (perhaps foreshadowing David Byrne's hilarious self-interview circa Stop Making Sense?).  The back of the book reads "Warning! This book is preposterous"

But preposterousness is the spice of life, as they say, so go forth, and seek a moustache of your very own!  

1 comment:

Ilan Mochari said...

i thought the authors would appreciate this link:

although it is two years old, it supports the notion of the mustache as a contemporary statement.

also, in news to gillian, the cereal that tastes great and is also great for you is Kellogg's Smart Start. memory failed me until i celebrated my return to boston by strolling a supermarket aisle. this morning i had a smart start, and it led me to the light telescopic.