Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mission Dolores

My mother once remarked that the Mission reminds her of a Wes Anderson Movie. While I've yet to spot any Gypsy cabs, I have found that the Mission does seem to possess the same idiosyncratic eclecticism and questionably ironic self-awareness that make Mr. Anderson's films so enjoyable. Below are just a few of my favorite neighborhood sights...

Lunch with my friend Tony at Tartine.

The endlessly entertaining X-21: a vintage/collectible warehouse which boasts a disorganized array of everything from a Styrofoam superman to crocodile hides. While trying to navigate the chaotic quagmire that is their basement I ran into an older British gentleman ailing from a tequila-induced hangover.  In the course of inquiring about several of their unique wares, he not only proved less than helpful, but managed to insult every item I showed any interest in. When I commented on his poor salesmanship he scoffed and said he was the store's visual design person. Go figure.

More X-21 treasures...

Time to shop!

My neighborhood liquor store which I secretly think is run by the Russian mafia.  If this is the last blog post ever, you'll know that the owners were Light Telescopic fans who were less than happy that they'd been outed.

This sign was posted in the window of vintage housewares shop The Apartment.   The shopkeeper looked at me like I was crazy when I asked if I could take a picture of his "Photo Menu." Apparently, he failed to see any humor in "3 persons photos men & Womens".

More from The Apartment...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can i just say that i love that you have a picture of delirium on your blog! is it sad that i recognize it just by the door? lets not answer that. p.s. whitney, get to school so we can waste time together