Friday, May 2, 2008

Woldwide Pinhole Photography Day

Pinhole photography has always seemed like a mysterious art form that only people infinitely more pretentious then I could master - thus we here at The Light Telescopic were happily surprised to find out that the folks at Rayko took a much more user-friendly approach to their Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day exhibit last Sunday.  On top of workshops and displays of homemade cameras, the piece de resistance was the Bus Obscura, a roaming multiple-aperture camera obscura which gave passengers free rides around our gorgeous city.  The windows of the bus were blacked out except for hundreds of tiny pinholes, which projected images of the passing landscape onto plexiglass screens inside the bus.  

For just $5 you can buy an original piece of work from the Art-O-Mat.

We took multiple pictures in Rayko's Photobooth - look for those soon!

The view from inside the bus!

I almost forgot one of the most enjoyable aspects of our amazing Bus Obscura experience - sound artists Michael F. Zbyszinski and Walter Sisper providing the live soundtrack for our trip. When we thanked them for the great music Michael had to double check to make sure we weren't being facetious. Flabbergasted, we assured him that here at The Light Telescopic we pride ourselves on our highly refined appreciation of all types of art, sound or otherwise.  Thanks again, boys!

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